Subscribe to email notification function

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    Hello, I was not able to find any documentation how the ’email subscription’ function works. The documentation shows how to enable the email subscription widget itself (that’s clear!), but I cannot figure out how this integrates with the build-up / maintenance of a subscriber database. Is an additional plug-in required for this?
    Related to this, in the comments section there is the check box:
    “Check here to Subscribe to notifications for new posts”

    but even if it gets checked, it does not lead anywhere.
    I must be missing something.

    I am currently using the ‘subscibe2’ wp-plug-in, which works nicely but I’m not sure if and how this can talk to this theme.
    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    My site:

    Thank you!


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    Thank you for the swift reply. Very helpful indeed.

    Good to know that the checkbox is not part of your theme – this narrows down my search.

    Feedburner – I had a closer look at it now. Unfortunately, this service does not allow importing existing lists of subscribers and would require doing this ‘by hand’. As I have several hundred subscribers that’s not really an option.

    I’d like to use this opportunity to also thank you for the great theme – I love it, it is easy to use and it does what it should nicely + a responsive developer => what else can you ask for

    BW, Peter

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