Read More, Categories…etc

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  • #3279

    Read More, Categories, Featured post..etc are all linked to theme color and comes after the style.css, so when you change the style.css ex;

    .read-more a {
    font-weight: bold;

    it is not working. because <!–Theme color–> owerwrites the style.css.

    I can remove it from io-customizationg.php but i don’t want to to that due to upgrades.

    Lots of settings need to be changed within the parent theme unfortunately.
    There are also important language missing terms which also need to be changed within the parent theme…


    You can use custom.css for this.

    Customization Guide for Iconic One Pro with CSS Codes

    If it doesn’t work at first, try Reset to defaults in the control panel.

    All missing terms have been fixed in the latest version.


    Thanks, resetting to defaults did the job.

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