Missing h1 tags in title

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    Hello, can you help me find the file wp_title.php so I can manually insert the h1 tags into the page title? My SEO analysis tool reports missing h1 tags in title.




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    Thanks for the quick reply. I have Yoast SEO activated and thought it was optimized. The Bing SEO analuzer reviews the rendered html code and the title is clearly not tagged with H1. Here is the screenshot from the report, with the title highlighted.


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    Hi, unfortunately this did not work. The html file is still missing the H1 tag.

    Any other ideas?


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    Cleared the cache, double checked the header.php file after edit/save, still no joy.
    The tag is visible in the header.php file, but missing in the rendered html page.

    Also there were no <br …/> codes in the page.


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    Bingo! The h1 tag issue has now been solved, thank you! The only little glitch is the extra space between the title and the tagline. When I remove the <br …/> code, as you suggested, the tagline moves up to the same line as the title. I want it below the title.

    P.S. I now have another issue with the meta description, but will create a new post for it.


    To remove space above description try this in custom.css

    .site-header h1 {
        line-height: 1;
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