I need to set authorship in my tag page

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    I need to use authorsure plugins for google authorship as I can not use authorship in the tag/category page in themes.I need to set authorship in tag and category page also which I can not find in themes.

    One more point that I have multiple author in my site. so,I can not add author link in my header page as it effect to all post.I need to set user basis also for authorship as same like any post.

    Please check that link with google search. Authorship in the category, its show primary author picture

    also in tag page its show dynamically multiple author
    http://www.ivelab.com/tag/WBSSC Form Fillup


    If you want to use third party authorship plugin simply leave the profile field of Google+ empty.

    Another solution would be making use of the following code.

    For Category pages

    <?php if ( is_category() ) {?>
     Insert your google_ authorship code here..
    <?php }?>

    For Tag pages

    <?php if ( is_tag() ) {?>
     Insert your google_ authorship code here..
    <?php }?>
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