I need to know how can I mask my blog subdomains and posts to look like other domain posts.
What I mean is that, I have some different domains and I have a domain here I host a blog with specific subdomains to each of those main domains.
Here is an example of what I want to do.
Example: I have the domain http://www.example.com and I have the subdomain.blogdomain.com.
I want that my subdomain.blogdomain.com/example-post can be also write/show like http://www.example.com/example-post to hide the original url and looks more professional.
And, when the visitor of the http://www.example.com/example-post clicks to view other post or page it continues to be showed as http://www.example.com/other-example-post.
I have seen this option on a paid blog platform where it is possible to do with the CNAME.
My main domain registar is godaddy.com.
How can I do that?