Any way to change the height of the menu?

Home Forums Iconic One Pro Support Any way to change the height of the menu?

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  • #2424

    Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to change the vertical spacing on the menu. I’d like to shave 50% off the top and bottom. Thanks!


    Please provide URL and a screenshot pointing out how you want it.


    Thanks, okay. While I’m at it, there is two other things I’d like to change. The single pixel white line above the menu and below the image as well as making the menu less tall. Lastly would be the white box at the bottom of the page (for the footer?)

    Here’s my current work:

    Here’s (roughly) what I’m trying to achieve:


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    Wow, you’re amazing! The change is live now. I was on your forum all weekend, learning a lot. 🙂

    Yes, I’d like to remove the footer or at least the white box at the bottom of the page. I did use your control in the dashboard to add Google Analytics to the footer, but I don’t need the box at the bottom of the page.

    Thanks again!


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    Perfect, thank you again for your assistance and nice theme.

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