Getting my header to work

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    Hey everyone. My website ( is just about finished the design process and ready for content. I’d like to replace the area traditionally used for the social media buttons, the title, and the tagline with a banner image of my choice. I’m inexperienced with coding and don’t want my theme to explode, so any advice on where to start with the theme or header.php would be great. Thanks very much!


    Hi Aaron,

    Go to live customizer : Appearance -> Basic settings

    Upload banner image of your choice using the logo uploader, it must be of 1040px in width.

    After that paste the following code in the appearance -> editor -> custom.css in the very end after everything

    .themonic-logo {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
    .themonic-logo img {
        max-width: 100%;
    .entry-content img, .comment-content img, .widget img, img.header-image, .author-avatar img, img.wp-post-image {
        box-shadow: none;

    The last part removes the image shadows that were not looking good on your website. Do let me know if it works as you have wanted.


    Excellent – thanks so much for your help! 🙂


    Hmm… 1040px doesn’t seem to fit properly. Take a look at my homepage and see how it’s stretched too far to the right? (


    Kindly check your uploaded image, the header image you are using has a width of 1080px instead of 1040px. After that use the code given above if you do not want the white area around your header image.


    Awesome! Thanks so much for the help. It looks much better!

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