Make "Post" pages full width

Home Forums Iconic One Pro Support Make "Post" pages full width

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  • #5037

    Hello, I was wondering if there’s a way t make a “post” page appear full width? Currently it shows up with a sidebar and it has a list of recent pages all pages, etc. which makes the post page look bad.

    Any help would be appreciated!



    The elements in sidebar can be changed as per your choice via Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets

    Once your drop any widget, the default items in the sidebar will disappear and only the ones that you drop will remain.

    If you have requirement of full width, there is a full width template it will apply to pages only, check out

    Online Documentation & Usage Guide for Iconic One PRO

    If still wish to hide the sidebar in single post and get full width post, use the following in Custom CSS section in live customizer or in Simple Custom CSS plugin

    .single-post .site-content {
        width: 95%;
        border: none;
    .single-post .below-title-meta {
        margin-left: -2.1%;
        width: 105.2%;
    #secondary {
        display: none;

    Thank you!



    I have tried to add the code above in my style.css but it doesn’t work (I made a child theme and past the code in the style.css of the child theme).

    Is it possible to have only full width on choosen posts and not all of them ?



    Cache issue. It works 🙂

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