child theme (footer.php) not working

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    As I read in the site [] : when I create a new dir ‘iconic-one-pro-child’ in the folder ‘themes’, and when I put to this dir one copy of footer.php, I make cahnges on it, has no effect on the site. Why?

    Thanx, Ervin


    Hi Ervin,

    Starter Child theme with footer.php is readily available for PRO members.

    Access it from below and start from there

    Download Iconic One Pro Child Theme for Customization


    Thank you for the quick answer.
    What u mean under “install it as a new theme” ? WHen I unzip this childtheme folder, the main folder name is “iconic-one-pro-child” . WordPress is unabele to install (or detect) the content with this folder name as a new separate Theme, wordress handle it only as a childtheme.

    When I copy the “iconic-one-pro-child” folder with all content to the “themes” folder, the result is the same, what I has made before manually: Copied header.php and footer.php from the original ‘iconic-one-pro’ folder to the child folder, plus style.css with the content ‘@import url(“../iconic-one-pro/style.css”)’;.

    Now, when I make changes in the child ‘footer.php’ , cause no effect on the website. When I make changes in the original ‘footer.php’ file (in the iconic-one-pro folder) , it cause changes in the website. What am I doing wrong?

    Thanx. Ervin


    Install the above given child theme zip file directly by going to
    child theme installation

    I just tried modifying the child theme footer.php and changes got reflected just fine.


    Thank you for the quick answer.
    I find the solution too.. When I just copy the child files manually to the child directory, I need reactivate the parent theme (stop it and activate it again).

    But with any installing from child themes, the iconic pro service settings on the backend will be reset to default (lost the backround,- logo image, and color settings, etc.). Its recommended to export (backup) the options with the iconic settings service (when it works correctly, I never has try out).


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