Widgets not installing in Main Sidebar Area

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  • #5147

    Firstly, Im sorry for my English, I am Russian, I use a translator
    I want to report a bug in version 2.05
    I downloaded it 2 days ago
    The problem: i can not use an HTML widget and a widget with text, when the widgets are moved to the main sidebar of the template
    Therefore, I can not insert images, text, codes in the sidebar


    I read the documentation and read the answers on the forum
    It seems that the problem has been known for a long time

    Widgets not showing in Header Widget Area

    The author of the question chose to change template on his site
    I do not want to change template, I use it on three sites
    In the 1.7 version is no such bug_ but i can not use this version, i see “error 500”
    I have WordPress 4.9.1, PHP 7
    What can you do?
    Thank you


    The problem is solved by my experimental method
    It is necessary to drag the widget into the main sidebar area and wait a bit
    Then the widget opens for writing


    Thank you for providing the update.

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