Website more mobile friednly

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  • #3818

    I want my website to look more mobile friendly. says it is, but i dont like how it looks like. Header picture looks like its two times there, and fonts of the articles are too big.

    1) How can I make fonts for the articles smaller just for mobile?

    2) is there a way to make widgets as well smaller for mobile?

    3) is there a way to make featured image for posts smaller for mobile?


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    I tried doing it like this, but its not working, nothing really changes:

    `@media screen and (max-width: 300px) {
    hgroup a {
    font-size: 12px;
    hgroup .site-description {
    font-size: 9px;

    I would really want to change it myself, if you can point me at the right direction, as I want to imporve myself with this.


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    Thank you, only got one more problem.
    The posts dont take the full width, they look a bit cut out, as in shown on the half of the screen. While widgets take full width, and I dont get why.
    my website is , and here is the picture of how it looks like:
    If you can just help me out how to fix that, I would really appreciate.


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    It worked! Thank youuuu

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