One of the easy solution is to install this plugin
Just make sure that images in the article are after first paragraph else it will show both images along with excerpt.
— Perfect solution —
Check out these lines 68-71 of functions.php
function themonic_excerpt_length( $length ) {
return 58;
add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'themonic_excerpt_length', 999 );
and replace the above lines with
function iconic_one_pro_chinese_excerpt( $output ) {
global $post;
$chinese_output = preg_match_all("/\p{Han}+/u", $post->post_content, $matches);
if($chinese_output) {
$output = mb_substr( $output, 0, 180 ) . '… <span class="read-more"><a href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) . '">' . __( 'Read More', 'themonic' ) . ' »</a></span>';
return $output;
add_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', 'iconic_one_pro_chinese_excerpt' );
sending the same to your email.