using the slider iconic-one-pro 1.2

Home Forums Iconic One Pro Support using the slider iconic-one-pro 1.2

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  • #615

    I’m currently testing/playing with the slider.

    the documentation suggests it should be quite easy, enable the slider option and that’s it according to the online docs.

    however enabling the slider does nothing.

    Also where is the category drop down controlled from, I have 4 categories defined in my blog (no posts yet) but the slider category drop down is empty.

    Is there an online example of the slider working so I can see it in place ?

    are the any customization options for the slider that are not in the documentation, eg: placing buttons as part of the slider, text over the slider, text under/around the slider etc.

    Basically is there a slightly more detailed documentation set for using and configuring the slider.



    Well, if you do not have any posts with images, where from the slider slide images from?

    Please first at least have 5 posts with featured images, these posts must be assigned to some categories. Now if you check the slider options you will find them listed.

    Working demo:

    once you have some posts with featured images published, go through the docs again and you will get it to work in no time.


    perfect this makes sense, so it actually takes the slide images from the posts, this was the clarification I was looking for.

    thank you

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