Using em and rem in font-size and line-height

Home Forums Iconic One Pro Support Using em and rem in font-size and line-height

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  • #4960

    I see you suggest using font-size and line-height in pixels in replies to several questions on this forum. Here is one example:

    Please see response to items 5, 6, and 8 in in this example.

    1) Is there a particular reason for using px? Is it possible to use em for font-size and rem for line-height instead of px?

    2) Does one have to make any other change to the code if one wants to use em for font-size and rem for line-height?



    Hi Sam,

    1) No reason other than simplicity. Yes, feel free to use em and rem values as they are better.

    2) If you use em and rem in custom css no other changes will be required.


    This is helpful.

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