Tables broken

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  • #1091

    Hi there,

    I’m using Iconic One Pro since a few hours now and I’m trying to move my old content to this new theme. Unfortunally all my tables are broken now.

    I used many tables like this:

    But all of them look broken if I use a image in one of those cells. (As you see the image is higher then the text. In the editor everythink looks fine:

    Any idea how can I fix this?



    please provide the direct link to the page in question so I can look.


    Thanks for your reply.
    This is the direct link

    .htaccess based login
    user: themonic
    password: themonic


    Your page content have inline CSS styles which is not possible to override universally. What theme/plugin were you using before?

    Also this is probably not the best use of tables, for this type of functionality use any column plugin. If you have less no. of posts with tables you can easily modify them.

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