One of the reasons I purchased Iconic One Pro version was because of the blistering page speeds. However, GTMetrix is currently showing a “C” and “B” for Google and Yslow. One of the issues they highlight is image dimensions.
As this theme is responsive, should I be specifying image dimensions? My understanding was that image sizes were to be made as a percentage e.g. Max-Width=”25%” Height=”Auto”. Is this not correct? Should I be putting Width=”270 px” Height=”120 px” instead? Will this mess up the automatic resizing?
The other issues flagged up are the expires headers which involves editing the .htaccess file. Will this affect any of the settings? Also, W3 TotalCache upset all the CSS when I configured it. Is there a way to safeguard this and prevent it from happening?
My site is at http://www.netresulttraining.co.uk