Showing dates and selected category posts in Recent posts thumbnails widget

Home Forums Iconic One Pro Support Showing dates and selected category posts in Recent posts thumbnails widget

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  • #4600


    could you tell me, please,

    1) if it’s possible to show post dates in Recent posts thumbnails widget? Now it shows only a thumbnail and a title for a post.

    2) if it’s possible to show posts from a selected category(-ies) only in Recent posts thumbnails widget?

    Asking because I need to show a news category posts with thumbnails in my sidebar but without dates it doesn’t make much sense. Also, I don’t need any other categories in this particular news list.

    If all these is not possible, probably I’ll have just to use a plugin?

    Thank you!


    You do not have permission to view this content.


    OK. Thank you for the suggestion.

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