Full Width responsive slider in Iconic One Pro

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    have several questions regarding the slider:

    1) How to add the Responsive Slider on my homepage? I want the slider to be full width (the same width as menu bar).

    2)shall I add it through the user panel or through child theme? just want to make sure this full-width responsive slider feature won’t disappear when upgrading the theme later.

    3)what size do the images need to be for full-width slider? any format requirements, jpeg or png?



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    I just can’t find the option of adding images into slider in the admin panel.
    shall I add images into the slider from admin panel or from source code?

    If it is from admin panel, please show a a screen shot. Thanks,


    The slider pulls the featured images automatically, you must have some posts published assigned to some category with featured images set.

    Also see

    Online Documentation & Usage Guide for Iconic One PRO


    My homepage is a static page without posts, I followed some method in the forum to add the following code in content-page.php of child theme, but the slider still didn’t show up.

    –edit–removed code as it was breaking the layout–
    –paste codes in the code wrapper please —


    I checked your site, you don’t have any posts published, only pages. Slider pulls featured images from posts.
    After posts are published and if the slider is still not showing then try by copying the “js” folder to your child theme.

    Read more about child theming here http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes



    My issue is that I don’t plan to have any posts on homepage, it is just a regular static page with full width sliders on top of the text. how do we make that work?


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    great, I used metaslider you recommended, it works great!

    The only issue is that there is huge white space between navigation bar and the slider. how do I push the slider up a little bit?


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