PHP 7.0 compatibility

Home Forums Iconic One Pro Support PHP 7.0 compatibility

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  • #5768

    Hello Shashank,

    I am currently using Iconic One Pro version 2.4 that was available in November 2018.

    I have also created a child theme for customization.

    Is this installation compatible with PHP 7.0?

    If not, how do I make it PHP 7.0 compatible?

    Thanks much!


    Hi Sam,

    We have tested and verified up to PHP version 7.3.5 with the latest version of Iconic One Pro which you can download from the member area We do not provide support for older theme versions but only the latest.

    Within the download there is changelog.txt, with that you can cross check.


    Hello Shashank,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Would I have to modify the child theme to make the child theme PHP 7.3.5 compatible after installing Iconic One Pro version 2.9.6 (i.e., the current version)?

    I will appreciate if you could clarify.



    Yes, some updates could be required for v2.9.6 and PHP 7+. If your custom child theme only has CSS styles, then there should be no issues.

    To be sure, install the old parent and child theme on a test server and upgrade there first if you have errors you can fix them there before trying on main site.

    If you require support for custom child theme, contact us for paid support options.



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