Logo, colors, misc settings…

Home Forums Iconic One Pro Support Logo, colors, misc settings…

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    Before I bought your product, your website led me to believe that I would have total creative control of color. Being able to control the navigation menu color and text is not really what I would consider complete creative color control. Anyway I have had to force myself to start learning a little html or walk away from my $50.

    I have been trying to make it work. Here is my site address… http://www.beercyclingjersey.com

    My issues for which I require assistance are as follows:

    1. I would like to minimize the area around the logo image. I would also like to move the social media links up and on top of the logo on the right. Is there a way to do this?

    2. The website displays fine on my phone and chrome, but it is not right on windows explorer. One of the selling points of your product was that my website would work on different platforms, and devices. Anyway. My logo is cropped in Explorer when the screen is at a reasonable size and the left and right margins are huge! Is there a way to make the whole logo image appear as it does in chrome?

    3. I created a Word file with a list of color settings I can change in the custom.css file. I would like the ability to turn off the white footer border. I would also like to change the color of the white area where I put the Paypal logo. In addition, I would like to to change the white color of the navigation menu. I think it would be helpful if you created a file with commonly altered settings such as colors, bold text, borders etc all in one place that we can plug into the custom.css file.

    4. There are random white lines below widgets. Can I get rid of these?

    I believe this is all of my issues. Thank you for your help.



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