LinkedIn Share Option

Home Forums Iconic One Pro Support LinkedIn Share Option

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  • #4559

    I found a post which is 3 years old, relating to a LinkedIn share option.

    Can someone please explain in detail how I would go about doing this, please? I don’t believe the previous post has enough information, other than where to add the code. I know where to add the code, but I don’t know what the code should look like.


    I found this in the change log of the Iconic One Pro main page:

    ————– September 2013 —————-

    09/01/13 – Version 1.2

    * Added option of circular social buttons with a single click in the live customizer -> SocialNEW.
    * Added option of Linkedin and Youtube social buttonsNEW.

    So, where do I find the Linkedin adn Youtube social buttons??


    Looks like I was able to solve my own issue. Here’s what I did:

    The only issue I’m still having is that the LinkedIn button wraps to a new line despite the appearance that there is enough space. The issue goes away if I toggle off one of the other social media buttons.


    To add third party sharing buttons please refer

    To reduce gap between sharing items

    .themonic-social-share li {
        margin-right: 5%;

    Try reducing 5% to 2%

    .themonic-social-share li {
        margin-right: 2%;

    Code goes in simple custom css plugin.


    Thank you! That works great.

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