Home page "by Admin", Comments, Tags

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  • #3784

    Hi, I need help with some small things:

    1) I have two times “by Admin” , on a home page, how can i remove the one like in the picture below?

    2) How to change the color of the tags?

    3) How to put the comments not to be on the right side, but more left, right next to date?

    Picture for 1) 2) and 3)

    4) Is there a way i can cut this space? as shown on the picture below?

    Picture for 4)



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    I cant really solve anything with firebug that I need. Could you please atleast tell me how to cut the space right below menu till the line, above the content?


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    Yea that worked. I tried with firebug, but it wont show all the changes i make sometimes. Anyways, thank you very much.

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