Full Width Mode on Mobile

Home Forums Iconic One Pro Support Full Width Mode on Mobile

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  • #5940

    My website is now in full width mode. I used the code no 9 you suggested:

    Customization Guide for Iconic One Pro with CSS Codes

    The problem is, it doesn’t look good on mobile. Maybe you can check my website. This is the URL: https://englishforsma.com/ .. what could be the problem? Thanks


    I have just updated the code inside the CSS guide, check it out and let me know.



    Thanks for your response. Hasn’t changed. It still doesn’t look good, though I’ve cleared all caches.


    Just checked your site again, it seems you are using the child theme and there is old CSS present in child theme -> style.css, the CSS inside your child theme is overriding, remove that and if still not work then try using CSS in child theme instead of customizer.


    Do you mean this css?

    .site {
    max-width: 100%;
    .site-content {
    width: 65.9%;
    .widget-area {
    width: 25.9%;


    Yes, replace it(with the updated code from css guide) or remove it.


    Perfect. Thanks a lot …

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