Font color for SubMenus when Parent Menu Item is Active

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  • #4966

    In the main navigation menu, how do I change the font color for sub-menu items when the parent item in the menu is selected/active?
    Currently, the sub-menus are shown in white font over grey background which isn’t legible at all. Hovering over them changes them to black font which is fine, but I’d like them to be always set to black perhaps.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    Sub menu text color can be set using the following css, simply paste in custom css for black text.

    .themonic-nav li ul li a {
        color: #222222;
    .themonic-nav li ul li a:hover {
        color: #000000;

    If it is something else, please email to [email protected] with link to your website and screenshots of the issue.

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