Featured Image will NOT upload!

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    I get an error every time I try to upload a “featured image”. When I click onto the “featured image” and try to pull from my media library it is blank…but that ain’t so! There are tons of images in there! Then I try to upload one and I get an error message, YET it uploads the image as unattached when I go to my library to see it, and it states that it is attached to the post I am trying to feature it in! SAME thing with my WP personnel logo!!!! Help please! Thanks!


    I see my logo above, I show up over here!!…AND YES I have the feature for the “Show author ID” turned on in main settings!


    This could be a file permission issue.

    To troubleshoot switch to default twenty thirteen theme and see uploading image is working. If it is not working, then it’s not a theme issue.


    I installed the twenty thirteen, and did a “Live Preview”, no image.

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