Custom content on front page? (Custom Post Type)

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  • #729

    I asked the same question to folks who developed the events+ plugin; I wanted the events using that plugin that I created to show up as a regular entry on the front
    page. Here’s what they told me:

    “That would depend largely on the theme you are using.

    “If your theme has its own homepage settings/options, check there first to see if you can include custom post types on the homepage.

    “If there is no option in your theme for that, you can add a very simple filter to your theme’s functions.php file to include any post type you want in the main loop.”

    So my question is how do I do this?


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    Thanks for your quick reply; I tried it out and nothing happened. I may not have the correct name for the type of post; I tried “event” and “events”; neither yielded a change to the front page.


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    Y’up, it does work for “page”; I will check with the developer of the events+ plugin for the name of his content ttype.

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