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To help us serve you better kindly ask one question per topic thread, you are free to create as many support topics you want.

— Setting up Google+ Authorship —–
Here is the image from the docs
google plus author iconic one

Simply follow the below two steps to show your picture in Google Search results:

1) Enter the full G+ ID in the profile field shown in the image above, it’s a full Google+ page url starting with http://
2) Go to your Google+ page and link back to your website’s author page.

(If it’s a single author website you can link to homepage.)

Online Documentation & Usage Guide for Iconic One PRO

Author ID on homepage uses Gravatar, WordPress by default uses Gravatar images, simply go to and sign up with your email and setup your image, it’s free.

Search Bar question – please create a separate thread for it, I might be able to you out with that.