a problem with languages (Polish)

Home Forums Iconic One Pro Support a problem with languages (Polish)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pmoskwa 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    I am using WordPress 4.9.1 with Iconic-One-Pro.

    I have created pl_PL.po and pl_PL.mo files from your iconic-one-pro-pot file using Poedit, and copied them to the wp-content/languages folder. I have also set the portal language to Polish (in the Settings – General options). However, my pages still include many English expressions – for example “Read More”.

    I have noticed that many row numbers in the references in your iconic-one-pro-pot file don’t correspond with the actual row numbers in the code of Icononic-One-Pro theme.

    For example: the reference of “Read More” in your iconic-one-pro-pot file is functions.php:74 while the text “Read More” appears in the functions.php in the row number 80.

    Could you help me please to solve the problem?



    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    We have just released a new version 2.05 with updated .pot file, you can download it from the member area. Using the updated .pot file for translation should solve your issue.

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    Thank you for your reply.

    I have used the updated .pot file, but it hasn’t solved the problem. Some texts which are included in the file (f.e. “Home” for the home page) appear in Polish, and some still in English (“Read More”), although I have translated them in the file. Moreover, some expresssions are not included in your file (“Uncategorized”. “Sample Page”).

    The process you have described on https://themonic.com/how-to-translate-iconic-one-pro-to-your-language/ simply doesn’t work.

    Additionally, when I replace the original WordPress pl_PL files in the wp-content/languages folder with the pl_PL file created from your iconic-one-pro-pot file, I lose the original WordPress translations.

    Could you please review the whole process of adding languages, and describe it in more detail?

    Thank you in advance!


    pl_PL created file will go in language folder that is inside theme folder.
    Location should be wp-content/iconic-one-pro/languages

    wp-content/language folder is for WordPress use only, themes have their own language folder.I have updated the guide with a bit more clarity on language folder location.

    After this if you still see missing items, let me know.



    Thank you!

    Now everything is OK. The only difference is that the file location should be wp-content/themes/iconic-one-pro/languages as you have already mentioned on https://themonic.com/how-to-translate-iconic-one-pro-to-your-language/ o-your-language/

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