Different header logo image for each page.

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    I thought I’d be able to add a different image in the logo area above the nav-bar, but to do this I thought I’d only have to disable the “Themonic-logo” div and then add the individual image to a new header.
    As you can probably guess, I’m hooped. Whatever I try breaks the theme.

    Suggestions would be most welcome.

    Thanks in advance.


    Could you quickly show me an example of what are you trying to do? what is your site URL?


    the dev site is http://ftb01.inthelink.ca

    You’ll see that there’s a place holder logo for each page except for the software page which I broke and just hasen’t been fixed.

    I need to have a different logo on eeach page. At present I don’t know how many or even the size. The current logo is just for approximation.



    You can use the php IF statement along with is_page function for doing this http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/is_page


    I should have mentioned that I’m okay with html but php and javascript are beyond my current abilities.

    I was hoping that it would be possible to just paste whatever image I want into the header by adding a new DIV for the custom image. I’d then make a separate header for each image.

    This might not be the the theme I can use for this website.

    Do you have any other themes that are responsive and very similar to Iconic One Pro?
    This theme is the best I’ve seen to date but this one issue might be the killer.



    It looks like I’ve figured out a way to display different images on different pages without breaking anything.
    Thankfully without a plugin either.
    Thanks for taking a look in the first place though.


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