featured image in posts

Home Forums Iconic One Pro Support featured image in posts

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stef 8 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi, I want to remove the featured image from all my posts, but i want it to stay on home page and to be displayed on the cataegires list of posts. So I just want to remove it from post, so that it wont show after title. How can I do that?


    It is like that by default.

    You must have turned it on from the Settings.

    Refer: https://themonic.com/online-documentation-usage-guide-for-iconic-one-pro/#thumbnails

    Go to Theme Control Center -> Main Settings -> 3rd option and turn it OFF.



    Thank you, my bad for not noticing it, kinda embarrassing 😀

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