Translation mistakes functions.php

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    Everytime I try to change the language errors in functions.php, the controlpanel gives an error when I update something.

    What am I to do?

    The words are

    Read more -> should be “Læs mere”
    Reply -> should be “Besvar”


    You do not have permission to view this content.


    Still missing translations… And it’s getting frustrating..

    I have deleted child theme completely. I have reinstalled iconic one completely. Still small things like

    comment should be “Kommentarer”

    By should be “af”

    Read more should be “Læs mere” etc etc…


    Just checked the da_DK.po file you sent, the content inside is something else and doesn’t contain theme terms how did you expect it to work? you have to create the po file using poedit. It seems you used the WordPress .po file itself for theme which is not even required these days. Theme .po file is different from WordPress software .po file.

    Please follow the tutorial.txt in language folder inside theme folder, have sent them to your email too.


    The issue is solved. I was a dumbass. 🙂 I have installed the da_DK correctly now. ^^

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