Missing "read more" link

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    Hi, I was wondering what could have caused one of my posts to hide the “read more” link. All others display it properly.

    Thanks, Peter


    You do not have permission to view this content.


    My post is 518 words. Here is the link:


    Not sure what’s happening to my links on these posts, here goes again:


    Read more appears on home page only, you expect it to appear on single post? where would the reader go after clicking on read more?

    On your home page read more is working fine for all posts.

    It is WordPress default behavior and has nothing to do with the theme. You can switch to default theme to check yourself.


    Hi again, sorry we are having a bit of a communications problem. I included the link to the full post, but of course it is on the home page where I don’t see a read more link for it. I was hoping you might see something in the post that could cause this issue. Please try to scroll down to the excerpt for this post on the home page, to see the “missing link”. The post title is “Towards Emotional Freedom”.

    My apologies for this persistent thread…thank you.


    There must be a < -- read more tag -->(the one that is inserted using the WP editor) within that post after the last line.


    Thank you for your reply.
    Interestingly, when I add the <–read more tag–> with the WP editor as you suggested, (which incidentally I never had to do before and still got the <read more…> button showing up in the other posts) it appears in the post, but once again is missing when viewing from the home page. I also noted that a spelling error which was previously corrected in the post, persists in the excerpt. Even if I delete the entire first paragraph in the post, the excerpt persist showing the now non-existent paragraph. This is totally weird! I tried cloning the page, same result. I’m now thinking just deleting the post completely and rewriting it from scratch.

    Any more ideas? Is there a way to “flush” the excerpt?


    If you add the <–read more tag–> before 70 words the read more button will not appear. If added after 70 words that read more function that display the read more button would already have been fired and the button will show.

    If you are using a caching plugin empty/delete the existing cache from there if you want to see the changes live.


    Thanks for the reply. You can close this thread, I resolved the problem. I had text in the excerpt area of the post. Once I deleted that text, the theme’s automatic excerpt generator took over and the <–read more–> tag was added. Sometimes the most obvious solution is the hardest to find!

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